SGS Acts on Climate

In just 3 minutes, CO2-monitor will show you how you compare with other people and countries. Your data will remain confidential.
You are free to choose a personal commitment to become more sustainable. If you do, you'll participate in our contest and could win a prize.
Contest deadline 09.12.2015. For details, please log in and visit Benefits > Contest.
> Sign up on CO2-monitor with your SGS e-mail, select SGS as organization
At SGS, we are regularly recognized as one the most sustainable companies
> SGS 2014 sustainability achievements and highlights
Still, we are only at the beginning of a fundamental transformation, involving every function and every single employee - we need YOU and your colleagues to participate. Lëss the Bear and the campaign “SGS Acts on Climate” during COP21 ask you join us.
> SGS COP21 video